Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata

16. Septembris 2005

(bez virsraksta) @ 07:07

The Seven dirty words are seven English words that comedian George Carlin listed in his 1973 monologue "Filthy Words" that where generally considered at the time inappropriate for use on the public airwaves in the United States, particularly on over-the-air television and radio stations. The original list of seven Carlin listed are:

* shit
* piss
* fuck
* cunt
* cocksucker
* motherfucker
* tits

Carlin later expanded his original list to include the following words:

* fart
* turd
* twat

Since then Carlin's expansion of the list has included hundreds of words and phrases, including "beating the bishop," "yodeling in the gully," and the ever popular "Mongolian Cluster Fuck."


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Date: 16. Septembris 2005 - 08:38
moins, aptieka!

te ir pilns transkripts.

The Commission characterized the language used in the Carlin monologue as "patently offensive," though not necessarily obscene, and expressed the opinion that it should be regulated by principles analogous to those found in the law of nuisance where the "law generally speaks to channeling behavior more than actually prohibiting it"...
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Date: 16. Septembris 2005 - 09:54
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Date: 16. Septembris 2005 - 09:56
kādreiz ļoti patika
tur bija skaistais intro ar šo septiņu vārdu
dalību, kur tie bija brīnišķīgi apskaidroti

nezinu vai tagad ir, darbā flash nav

Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata