(bez virsraksta) @ 02:32

lūk, piemēram, dzīvoja šāds cilvēks
visu mūžu rakstīja mūziku,
ko saņēma reliģiskas atklāsmes ceļā
bet šo mūziku līdz pat viņa nāvei gandrīz neviens nedzirdēja
nu, protams, nedzird vēl joprojām
viņam pat vārds neizrunājams - Džiačinto Sčelsi
par acīm vispār nerunāsim
šī ir vienīgā viņa fotogrāfija
"Giacinto Scelsi's music was largely unknown throughout most of his life, as he refused interviews, rarely sought out performances, and would not even have his photograph taken, preferring instead to be represented by the symbol of a horizontal line placed under a circle."

"Many of his pieces were worked out in improvisation and subsequently written down, but dating his compositions has been difficult as he re-dated manuscripts deliberately to confuse musicologists."
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