Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata

3. Oktobris 2008

(bez virsraksta) @ 11:25

Poll #14852
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Roberts Ķīlis ir intelektuālis?

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Mean: 7.28 Median: 8 Std. Dev 2.50
1 2 (4.7%)
2 1 (2.3%)
3 1 (2.3%)
4 0 (0.0%)
5 8 (18.6%)
6 2 (4.7%)
7 5 (11.6%)
8 7 (16.3%)
9 7 (16.3%)
10 10 (23.3%)

Maija Kūle ir intelektuāle?

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Mean: 5.75 Median: 6 Std. Dev 2.82
1 5 (12.5%)
2 3 (7.5%)
3 2 (5.0%)
4 2 (5.0%)
5 5 (12.5%)
6 4 (10.0%)
7 6 (15.0%)
8 7 (17.5%)
9 2 (5.0%)
10 4 (10.0%)

Juris Cālītis ir intelektuālis?

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Mean: 6.40 Median: 7 Std. Dev 2.40
1 3 (7.1%)
2 0 (0.0%)
3 3 (7.1%)
4 1 (2.4%)
5 7 (16.7%)
6 6 (14.3%)
7 5 (11.9%)
8 10 (23.8%)
9 3 (7.1%)
10 4 (9.5%)

Vita Matīsa ir intelektuāle?

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Mean: 6.61 Median: 7 Std. Dev 2.63
1 3 (7.9%)
2 0 (0.0%)
3 3 (7.9%)
4 1 (2.6%)
5 6 (15.8%)
6 3 (7.9%)
7 4 (10.5%)
8 10 (26.3%)
9 1 (2.6%)
10 7 (18.4%)

Uldis Bērziņš ir intelektuālis?

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Mean: 7.05 Median: 7 Std. Dev 2.14
1 2 (4.8%)
2 0 (0.0%)
3 0 (0.0%)
4 0 (0.0%)
5 7 (16.7%)
6 8 (19.0%)
7 7 (16.7%)
8 6 (14.3%)
9 6 (14.3%)
10 6 (14.3%)

Lato Lapsa ir intelektuālis?

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Mean: 4.65 Median: 4 Std. Dev 2.89
1 8 (18.6%)
2 5 (11.6%)
3 5 (11.6%)
4 5 (11.6%)
5 3 (7.0%)
6 5 (11.6%)
7 2 (4.7%)
8 6 (14.0%)
9 0 (0.0%)
10 4 (9.3%)

Kāds cits?



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Date: 3. Oktobris 2008 - 11:28
Vai inteliģence un intelekts tiek krasi nošķirti?
Date: 3. Oktobris 2008 - 11:30

lenins par shito

We said that Social-Democratic consciousness could not exist among the workers. But it could be brought to them from without. The history of all countries testifies that workers left exclusively to their own strength can cultivate only a trade union consciousness-- that is the belief in the need to unite into a union, struggle against the bosses, press the government to pass needed labor legislation, etc. The doctrine of Socialism grew out of philosophic, historical, and economic theories which were worked out by the educated representatives of the propertied class, the intelligentsia. The founders of modern scient ific socialism, Marx and Engels belonged themselves to the bourgeois intelligentsia. Just as in Russia, the theoretical doctrine of Social-Democracy arose quite independently from spontaneous growth of a workers movement, but arose rather as a natural and inevitable result of the development of ideas among the revolutionary socialist intelligentsia. . . .
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Date: 3. Oktobris 2008 - 11:38
jocīgi jautājumi.
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Date: 3. Oktobris 2008 - 11:47
kto eķi ļuģi?
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Date: 3. Oktobris 2008 - 12:39
Cālītis ir taspac mācītājs, ko es domāju vai nav tomēr?
Tas man patīk, ļoti, ļoti, tādiem būtu jabūt visiem mācītājiem
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Date: 3. Oktobris 2008 - 13:01
nākamajā pollā būs jau dinamika: "vai Roberts Ķīlis vēl ir intelektuālis?"
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Date: 3. Oktobris 2008 - 13:15
atbildes uz jautājumu "Kāds cits?" sāk parādīt noteiktu publiskā viedokļa tendenci.
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Date: 3. Oktobris 2008 - 14:39
Tā jau nevar zināt - vajag salikt linkus uz populārākajiem rakstiem, nodzertajiem briļļainajiem mūļiem, vai ko nu tur izmanto par vērtēšanas kritērijiem.
Date: 3. Oktobris 2008 - 16:31
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Date: 3. Oktobris 2008 - 18:52
"intelektuālā darba strādnieks" ir viens veids, bet mūs jau vairāk interesē tie cilvēki, kas pelna savu maizi ar intelektu, taču vienlaicīgi ietekmē sabiedrības viedokli ar runām, publikācijām vai darbiem
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Date: 4. Oktobris 2008 - 00:20
veic kārtējo pētījumu?:)

Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata