Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata

31. Jūlijs 2004

v??l drusku spams @ 10:43

The Word of the Day for Jul 31 is:

poignant \POY-nyunt\ adjective

1 : pungently pervasive
2 a (1) painfully affecting the feelings : piercing *(2) deeply affecting : touching b : designed to make an impression : cutting
3 a : pleasurably stimulating b : being to the point : apt


Date: 31. Jūlijs 2004 - 11:27
no "poignarder" - nodurt ar nazi (visbiežāk: durot sirds rajonā)
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Date: 1. Augusts 2004 - 17:01
pleasurably stimulating

Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata