(bez virsraksta) @ 21:51
Runājot par veiksmīgām reklāmas kampaņām:

ASV Olimpiskā ritmiskās vingrošanas komanda iesaka vaniļas-apelsīnu šerbeta krēma ledenes
p.s. The Breyers team wants to assure you that the above advertisement is a fake and Breyers had absolutely nothing to do with its creation or its posting on the internet. In fact, neither USA Gymnastics, Breyers, Creamsicle nor any of the brands that are part of Unilever Ice Cream had any knowledge of the fake advertisement until it was brought to our attention by our consumers. Please be assured that we are as offended by the false advertisement as you are and we are making every effort to see that it is removed from the internet as soon as possible.

ASV Olimpiskā ritmiskās vingrošanas komanda iesaka vaniļas-apelsīnu šerbeta krēma ledenes
p.s. The Breyers team wants to assure you that the above advertisement is a fake and Breyers had absolutely nothing to do with its creation or its posting on the internet. In fact, neither USA Gymnastics, Breyers, Creamsicle nor any of the brands that are part of Unilever Ice Cream had any knowledge of the fake advertisement until it was brought to our attention by our consumers. Please be assured that we are as offended by the false advertisement as you are and we are making every effort to see that it is removed from the internet as soon as possible.
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