Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata

12. Decembris 2007

(bez virsraksta) @ 12:50

Tā Liza Džerarda mani nobeigs.

Jautājums: Does the music change people who listen to it?
Atbilde: How can it change them? I have a friend who said the same thing – people get changed through what they are listening. That’s not true. Pain changes people. Pain changes you. When you give birth to a child, suddenly you are mother. You were not mother before, you even didn’t know what it means. The pain of the childbirth raises the understanding of an absolutely new concept. I did a lot of experiment with my children, made them do this and not to do that, but at the end of the day, until you are blatantly honest to the point of hurting them, they do not change. It doesn’t make them think. You have to be blatantly honest. And sometimes it hurts you to do this. And it hurts them. And sometimes it hurts you more than them. And that’s what it is with the music.


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Date: 12. Decembris 2007 - 13:08
vajadzeeja sievietei interveet :)
Date: 12. Decembris 2007 - 13:11
nesaprati atbildi, ja? :)
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Date: 12. Decembris 2007 - 13:15
paklausies šito: Now there is much talking about bees dying… I was lying yesterday in my room and thinking: well, it’s not just about bees. It’s the beginning of a chain of things – now there are bees, then wasps, then birds… we cannot interrupt the balance of ecosystem, because through the ether, through the moister in the atmosphere there is the moister in people, the moister in animals, so we are connected. And it starts to help us to understand God, it starts to help us to understand that we are embodied, we are one entity. If we purify, if we find the source of balance then we have all the potential of perfection inside of us. Which is God. God is perfection.
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Date: 12. Decembris 2007 - 13:25
ar to arī nodarbojos jau otro dienu :)
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Date: 12. Decembris 2007 - 13:49
Būtu labāk dziedājusi.
Date: 12. Decembris 2007 - 23:25
a ja vot vsjo ponjala ;) chestno, chestno i pro moister too. eto zhe tak prosto.
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Date: 12. Decembris 2007 - 15:15
"ir jāļaujas sāpēm, lai tiktu tām pāri" - sūzija kvatro speciāli PDz

Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata