(bez virsraksta) @ 12:36
DELFI: "Lietuvas prezidents Valds Adamkus pieļāvis iespēju, ka viņš bloķēs valsts budžeta projektu 2008. gadam, ja tas netiks uzlabots un balstīts uz programmatiskiem principiem."
Gabrielle Gayheart: "Programmatic music was popular during the Romantic era, especially during the late 1800’s. It was written with a storyline in mind, or is based upon an existing work of literature or poetry. Many times, you can identify programmatic music by the title: “To a Wild Rose,” “Symfonie Fantastique,” “Clair de Lune.” The opposite of programmatic music is music written expressly as an experiment in form. Some titles that hint at that are “Sonata,” “Sonatina,” “Tocatta,” “Fugue” and “Invention.” These are exciting pieces, too, but do not have a definite storyline. In some cases, storylines appeared after their composition; however the stories did not exist when the composer initially wrote the piece.
Gabrielle Gayheart: "Programmatic music was popular during the Romantic era, especially during the late 1800’s. It was written with a storyline in mind, or is based upon an existing work of literature or poetry. Many times, you can identify programmatic music by the title: “To a Wild Rose,” “Symfonie Fantastique,” “Clair de Lune.” The opposite of programmatic music is music written expressly as an experiment in form. Some titles that hint at that are “Sonata,” “Sonatina,” “Tocatta,” “Fugue” and “Invention.” These are exciting pieces, too, but do not have a definite storyline. In some cases, storylines appeared after their composition; however the stories did not exist when the composer initially wrote the piece.
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