Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata

16. Septembris 2007

(bez virsraksta) @ 16:56

Singularity is full of backward textures, abstract sound paintings, and massed choruses that go resolutely beyond the way Hammill was overdubbing his vocals in the past decade. The "weirdness" factor culminates in the closing "White Dot," by far the man's most stunning aural concoction of late. Before reaching that apocalyptic finale, the listener is treated to a number of excellent, more accessible tunes, including two strong rock songs.


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Date: 16. Septembris 2007 - 21:08
maita lēni nāk
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Date: 16. Septembris 2007 - 21:34
es palaidu savējo sīdoties, kā tagad?
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Date: 16. Septembris 2007 - 21:44
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Date: 16. Septembris 2007 - 22:10
izklausās pēc mūzikas teātra izrādei
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Date: 16. Septembris 2007 - 22:44
Iekš vdgg viņš, protams, rullē. Atsevišķi gan neesmu vēl ievērtējis, bet laikam jau jāpamēģina.

Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata