(bez virsraksta) @ 12:55
atceroties vakardienas Anrī uzstāšanās nobeigumu - tas izrādās bija 1967. gada skaņdarbs:
nevis Fat Boy Slim, kā varēja šķist:
bet saistība ar Futurama titru mūziku ir vistiešākā:
Wikipedia: Among Henry's best known works is the experimental 1967 album Messe pour le temps présent, one of several cooperations with choreographer Maurice Béjart featuring the popular track "Psyche Rock". Perhaps one of Henry's most well-known influences on contemporary popular culture is the theme song to the TV series Futurama. The tune is clearly inspired by Henry's 1967 song "Psyché Rock." In 1999, Fatboy Slim issued a remix of Psyche Rock.
nevis Fat Boy Slim, kā varēja šķist:
bet saistība ar Futurama titru mūziku ir vistiešākā:
Wikipedia: Among Henry's best known works is the experimental 1967 album Messe pour le temps présent, one of several cooperations with choreographer Maurice Béjart featuring the popular track "Psyche Rock". Perhaps one of Henry's most well-known influences on contemporary popular culture is the theme song to the TV series Futurama. The tune is clearly inspired by Henry's 1967 song "Psyché Rock." In 1999, Fatboy Slim issued a remix of Psyche Rock.
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