Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata

11. Jūnijs 2007

(bez virsraksta) @ 00:17

- Hello. I prepared your canoe with cedar boughs. It's time for you to leave now, William Blake. Time for you to go back to where you came from.
- You mean Cleveland?
- Back to the place where all the spirits came from... and where all the spirits return. This world will no longer concern you.
- Found some tobacco.
- The tobacco is for your voyage, William Blake.
- Nobody. I don't smoke.
- Aho, William Blake.


Date: 11. Jūnijs 2007 - 00:23
muļķīgie baltie cilvēki
[User Picture Icon]
Date: 11. Jūnijs 2007 - 00:31

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Date: 11. Jūnijs 2007 - 10:53
mmmhhhmmm... reizi gada parskati? :)
a man vel arvien ir VHS... :) un jutos vainiga? :)

Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata