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(bez virsraksta) @ 18:29


Uzgāju pinkfloidu dziesmiņu Candy And a Currant Bun, kas izdota 1967. gadā otrajā pusē singlam Arnold Layne. Oriģinālā tā saucās "Let's Roll Another One" un saturēja rindiņas: "I'm high - Don't try to spoil my fun. Let's roll another one", bet ierakstu kompānija palūdza izņemt ārā atsauces uz narkotikām. Sids Barets nomainīja divas rindiņas uz: "Ice cream, taste good in the afternoon, Ice cream, taste good if you eat it soon."

Rezultātā sanāca šāds teksts:

Oh my, girl sitting in the sun
Go buy, candy and a currant bun
I like, to see you run
Like that......

Oooh, don't talk to me
Please just fuck with me
Please you know I'm feeling frail

It's true, sun shining very bright
It's you, who I'm gonna love tonight
Ice cream, taste good in the afternoon
Ice cream, taste good if you eat it soon

Oooh, don't touch me child
Please you know you drive me wild
Please you know I'm feeling frail

te: pati dziesma
te: Mars Volta izpildītā kaverversija

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